Food and Medicine for Orphaned Babies and Children


South Sudan is one of the most dangerous places for a woman to give birth, with one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. As a result, many newborns are left without a mother. Violence and disease leave many other children orphaned. Left to themselves, they will die. Sudan Relief Fund and its partners run multiple orphanages throughout South Sudan, ensuring these orphaned children have a safe and loving home, education, and a future. Your partnership will help pay for food and medicine to care for children at these orphanages.

  1. General Support – $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, $10,000
SKU: N/A Category:


The tragic number of orphans in South Sudan is staggering. Losing parents to violence, disease, or famine, they wander the streets or countryside searching desperately for food. They may be injured or sick. Alone they will die from sickness, starvation, or wild animals. Your gift changes their lives by providing food, clean water, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and schooling – and lets them know they’re not alone.


Additional information

Gift Type

General Support at $25, General Support at $50, General Support at $100, General Support at $250, General Support at $500, General Support at $1,000, General Support at $2,500, General Support at $5,000, General Support at $10,000