• Welcome to the Sudan Relief Fund Gift Catalog. Here you will find meaningful gifts that help to save lives and alleviate the suffering of the South Sudanese people in four areas of greatest need. Choose gifts that bring clean water to communities, feed hungry families, provide care for orphans, or deliver medicine to the sick.

  • Clean water is critical for all people and essential for healthy communities. More than half the population of South Sudan has no access to clean water. Waterborne illness continues to be the leading cause of death for children in this country. Your partnership to provide lifegiving clean water will quench the thirst of thousands of our South Sudanese brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • More than 8 million people suffer from acute hunger in South Sudan. Nearly 1.5 million children are severely malnourished. Floods, drought, violence, and world conflict all escalate the hunger crisis. Sudan Relief Fund is equipped to deliver food relief to people in need where others won’t go. Your gift to send lifesaving food will help prevent a humanitarian crisis and save families on the brink of starvation.

  • No one should die from a curable illness, treatable injury, or unsupervised childbirth. But this tragedy occurs so often in South Sudan where people lack access to basic healthcare. Your partnership provides resources like mosquito nets to prevent malaria, medicines to heal the sick, and support for our hospitals and health clinics that reach thousands of underserved families.

  • The tragic number of orphans in South Sudan is staggering. Losing parents to violence, disease, or famine, they wander the streets or countryside searching desperately for food. They may be injured or sick. Alone they will die from sickness, starvation, or wild animals. Your gift changes their lives by providing food, clean water, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and schooling – and lets them know they’re not alone.

  • Nearly 70 percent of South Sudan’s children lack the opportunity to attend school regularly due to displacement or poverty. For girls it’s even more difficult. Your gift will support programs to ensure every child has access to an education and skills for a sustainable future.

  • Long term solutions for peace and sustainability require investing in the essential elements to build strong, self-sufficient communities. Your gift will provide the foundations necessary to reap lasting benefits for families and communities for years to come.