Hand Pump Water Well


A single hand pump well starts at approximately $15,000. You can donate a share of this cost starting at a gift of $25, which will help provide water to a community that has no access to clean water. Just a single well provides clean, healthy water for hundreds of families.


Provide a hand pump well for clean water, or a share of a well:

    1. Share of a Well – $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, $10,000
    2. Entire Well starts at – $15,000
SKU: N/A Category:


Clean water is critical for all people and essential for healthy communities. More than half the population of South Sudan has no access to clean water. Waterborne illness continues to be the leading cause of death for children in this country. Your partnership to provide lifegiving clean water will quench the thirst of thousands of our South Sudanese brothers and sisters in Christ.


Additional information

Gift Type

Share of a Well – $25, Share of a Well – $50, Share of a Well – $100, Share of a Well – $250, Share of a Well – $500, Share of a Well – $1,000, Share of a Well – $2,500, Share of a Well – $5,000, Share of a Well – $10,000, Entire Well – $15,000