Malaria Medicine


Malaria remains one of the most common diseases in all of South Sudan. Each year, millions of people suffer from this mosquito-borne disease, and across Africa one child dies every minute from malaria. But they don’t have to. Malaria is curable, and those who suffer deserve access to treatment. Your gift can provide the medicine needed to treat malaria. Malaria treatment for one person starts at $15.

  1. $15 (Treatment for one)
  2. $30 (Treatment for two)
  3. $150 (Treatment for ten)
  4. $300 (Treatment for ten)
  5. $600 (Treatment for forty)
  6. $1,200 (Treatment for eighty)
  7. $2,400 (Treatment for one hundred sixty)
  8. $4,800 (Treatment for three hundred twenty)
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No one should die from a curable illness, treatable injury, or unsupervised childbirth. But this tragedy occurs so often in South Sudan where people lack access to basic healthcare. Your partnership provides resources like mosquito nets to prevent malaria, medicines to heal the sick, and support for our hospitals and health clinics that reach thousands of underserved families.


Additional information

Gift Type

Treatment for One – $15, Treatment for Two – $30, Treatment for Ten – $150, Treatment for Twenty – $300, Treatment for Forty – $600, Treatment for Eighty – $1,200, Treatment for One Hundred Sixty – $2,400, Treatment for Three Hundred Twenty – $4,800