

Vision loss and cataracts are devasting for those in South Sudan. It impacts a person’s ability to work, limits educational opportunities, and leads to worse overall health outcomes. Your partnership can give the gift of sight to someone in need, opening up a world of opportunities previously inaccessible. Eye surgery costs $500, and you can provide a share of that cost with a gift starting at $15.

  1. Share of Surgery – $15, $25, $50, $100, $250
  2. Entire Surgery – $500
SKU: N/A Category:


No one should die from a curable illness, treatable injury, or unsupervised childbirth. But this tragedy occurs so often in South Sudan where people lack access to basic healthcare. Your partnership provides resources like mosquito nets to prevent malaria, medicines to heal the sick, and support for our hospitals and health clinics that reach thousands of underserved families.


Additional information

Gift Type

Share of Surgery – $15, Share of Surgery – $25, Share of Surgery – $50, Share of Surgery – $100, Share of Surgery – $250, One Total Surgery – $500